Information for Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisements

Platinum sponsor: Minimum Contribution USD 4000 (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
  • Maximum number of Platinum Sponsors is restricted to 2
  • 5 Free Registration for Onsite Event for sponsor organization.
  • 5 Free Registration for Online Event for sponsor organization.
  • 2 Presentation slots of 30 minutes duration at Biz-Meet Session
  • Display of the logo of sponsor organization on Conference Website
  • Display of the logo of sponsor organization banner and other promotion materials.
  • One page free advertisement (color) in Conference Proceedings.
  • 50% discount for Exhibition booth (See rates below).

Gold Sponsor: Minimum contribution USD 2000 (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
  • Maximum number of Gold Sponsors is restricted to 3
  • 3 Free Registration for Onsite Event for sponsor organization.
  • 3 Free Registration for Online Event for sponsor organization.
  • 2 Presentation slots of 20 minutes duration at Biz-Meet Session
  • Display of the logo of sponsor organization on the Conference Website.
  • One page free advertisement (color) in Conference Proceedings.
  • 30% discount for Exhibition booth (See rates below).

Silver Sponsor: Minimum contribution USD 1000 (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
  • Maximum number of Silver Sponsors is restricted to 5
  • 2 Free Registration for Onsite Event for sponsor organization.
  • 2 Free Registration for Online Event for sponsor organization.
  • 2 Presentation slots of 10 minutes duration at Biz-Meet Session
  • Listing of Sponsor URL as related links in the Conference Website.
  • 10% discount for Exhibition booth (See rates below).

Exhibition Booth Rates
(10:00 of 2 September, 2021 till 16:00 4 September, 2021)

400 USD (or equivalent in Thai Baht) per square meter
Standard Built-up booth size 3x2x2m or 3x3x2m

Advertisement Fee

Advertisements are invited for inclusion in the GIS-IDEAS 2021 Conference Proceedings. Advertisement rates are as below;
  • Half Page color 200 USD (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
  • Full Page color 400 USD (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
  • Full inside back cover (color) 800 USD (or equivalent in Thai Baht)
Please Contact Coordinators for more details.